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[2019年3月25日]Nodoka Yamanaka—— Numerical approaches to the nucleon and nuclear st

2019-03-22 15:30:00 来源:华南师范大学量子物质研究院 点击: 收藏本文

报告题目: Numerical approaches to the nucleon and nuclear structures

报告人:Dr. Nodoka Yamanaka




报告摘要:The nucleon and nuclear structures are difficult to understand from

the first principle due to the still unresolved problems of the nonperturbative physics of the gauge theory and the quantum many-body problem. The resolutions of these issues are one of the most important goals, first from the point-of-view of the understanding of fundamental physics, and second because nucleons and nuclei are experimentally used to unveil the new physics beyond the current frontier. One of the attractive approaches to tackle these problems is the computational physics. Motivated by the above background, I calculated many quantities related to the hadronic and nuclear structures using various numerical methods. In this seminar, I will present my past work and results based on several numerical approaches which are lattice QCD, quantum few-body calculations, and numerical perturbative QCD computations.

报告人简介:Nodoka Yamanaka,2003-2012,日本大阪大学物理学院攻读本硕博学位,研究粒子物理唯象理论(超对称模型,电偶极矩,β衰变)。2012-2013,日本大阪大学核物理研究中心博士后,研究粒子物理唯象理论(超对称模型,电偶极矩,β衰变)。2013-2014,日本京都大学物理学院博士后,研究Schwinger-Dyson形式中的核子结构分析。2014-2016,日本理化研究所跨学科理论科学研究组博士后,研究用少体方法分析轻核的电偶极矩、格点QCD中的核子轴向电荷和张量电荷分析以及隐藏规范理论中的暗物质唯象理论。 2016-2017,俄罗斯远东联邦大学生物医学院博士后,研究格点QCD中的暗物质。2017年至今,法国奥尔塞核物理研究所,日本学术振兴会研究员,研究高能量子色动力学。获奖:Springer Thesis Prize(2013)。