报告题目:Machine learning for lattice field theory
报告人:王凌霄 博士 (法兰克福高等研究院)
报告时间:2023年9月25日 上午10:00
Recently, machine learning (ML) techniques have been widely applied in numerical lattice quantum field theory (LQFT). It offers potential for accelerating computationally demanding LQFT calculations and providing new capabilities to analyze QCD physics. This talk aims to provide an overview of the latest developments on this topic based on our recent works. Specifically, I will introduce ML approaches to the spectral function reconstruction, generative models for generating configurations, and new ideas connecting deep learning with the stochastic quantization(SQ).
王凌霄,于2020年在清华大学取得博士学位,博士期间赴东京大学进行联合培养。随后赴法拉克福高等研究院(FIAS)担任博士后研究员,并兼任法兰克福大学助理研究员。他的主要研究领域集中于机器学习在探索QCD物质中的应用,包括格点场论的数值模拟、致密物质的特性以及QCD的相变等。此外,还致力于AI for Science的新研究范式,从多领域交叉学科的研究。