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[2024年10月25]陈安平——The Quarkonium Energy Correlator

2024-10-21 10:18:00 来源:华南师范大学量子物质研究院 点击: 收藏本文

报告题目:The Quarkonium Energy Correlator


报告人:陈安平 博士 (江西师范大学)

报告时间:202410月25 上午10:00





We propose to measure the energy correlator in quarkonium production, which tracks the energy deposited in the calorimeter χ-angular distance away from the identified quarkonium. The observable eliminates the need for jets while sustaining the perturbative predictive power. Analyzing the power correction to the energy correlator, we demonstrate the novel observable supplies a unique gateway to probing the hadronization, especially when cosχ> 0 in the quarkonium rest frame where the perturbative emissions are depleted due to the dead-cone effects. We expect the quarkonium energy correlator to add a new dimension to quarkonium studies.


